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Herzing University MBA – Commencement Speech

By |September 23rd, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

I was blessed with the opportunity to be a commencement speaker for my own MBA Class. This class was the inaugural Masters in Business Administration at the Orlando Campus of Herzing University. Please feel free to watch the speech in it's entirety as I teamed with Paul James to address the students on their special day.

Escaping the rat race: how you know when it’s time to go.

By |September 18th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

I have spoke about the distinct differences between a 9-5 and being an entrepreneur in past posts. This time we want to examine the things that really let you know that it is time to depart a job and that you are ready to move on to your own entrepreneurial journey. No matter how deep into being an entrepreneur I get, I receive the same question: "When did you know?" This question has a pretty in depth answer. The absolute truth about making the transition is that it will never be "comfortable". Changing from being a dependent to an independent is a step you will have to take mentally that is not for everyone. But the question you must truly ask is not "does it feel right [...]

Entrepreneurs Diary: 5 Differences Between Being an Entrepreneur and Working a 9-5 to Take Into Consideration

By |September 9th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

In January of 2016 I began an entrepreneurial journey. I entered this journey with some knowledge of business and how it worked from an academic level, but there are some basic items that a "solopreneur" or business owner will need beyond common knowledge that they may not have seen as a employed member of society. I see people who say that they would like to quit their job and join the entrepreneurial ranks all the time. I speak to them and let them know that they are not ready based on a few items. I also let them know that being an entrepreneur is not "easier" than your job (clearly). People sometimes just do not want to work hard or work for someone else, that does not [...]

NBA Summer League: How professional sports compare directly to your life and/or your business.

By |July 10th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

I am a big NBA fan. I love the game as it provides me with a source of entertainment and an escape from my day to day to relax and view competition. Though the more I look at it, the more I realize that professional sports are so comparable to many situations within our own lives, as well as within our companies or respective businesses. It is the middle of the 2017 NBA Summer League in Las Vegas and we all (those who enjoy basketball) are getting excited to see the new talent in the NBA fight for their right to be respected in what is hopefully going to be their livelihood for quite some time. There are a few different categories of players in this league: [...]

Shoot your shot. The game is yours.

By |June 30th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

Similar to a lot of young men in America, it was always a dream of mine to play basketball for a living. Little did I know God had something else in mind for me. A lot of us have had this realization as we enter the adult phase of life.   There are many things that I never knew would be a part of this life as a younger man. I never knew I'd be sitting here at 28, loving life and helping businesses achieve their goals on a daily basis. I never knew I'd be here, enjoying every day, every hour and minute as I scale my company and learn more than I ever even imagined. I never would have thought I'd be traveling the world [...]

Risk & Reward

By |June 23rd, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

Some call it taking risks... I call it exploring my options. Risks are simply measured decisions for individuals looking to potentially step outside of the norm. Do not be afraid of simply exercising your freedoms outside of what can become a cage called "your comfort zone".   I challenge all individuals to pursue things that you want in life, whether that is a job, a savings goal or anything that you feel as if you can obtain. Challenging yourself in itself is risk, and I think that many take it as that and that is why many are stagnant. You must risk on a daily basis to be the best you possible within your current situation or you will never grow into the person you would like [...]

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